wrapper around getElementText() method to generate safe scraping code
wrapper around getElementText() method to generate safe scraping code
- using
character string specifying locator scheme to use to search elements. Available schemes: "class name", "css selector", "id", "name", "link text", "partial link text", "tag name", "xpath".
- value
character string specifying the search target.
- name
character string specifying the object name the RSelenium "wElement" class object should be saved to. If NULL a name will be generated automatically.
- multiple
logical indicating whether multiple elements should be returned. If TRUE the findElements() method will be invoked.
- prev
a placeholder for the output of functions being piped into get_element(). Defaults to NULL and should not be altered.
a character string defining 'RSelenium' getElementText() instructions that can be pasted into a scraping function.
if (FALSE) {
#navigate to wikipedia, type "Hello" into the search box,
#press enter, get page header
parsel::go("https://www.wikipedia.org/") %>>%
parsel::type(using = "id",
value = "'searchInput'",
name = "searchbox",
text = c("Hello","\uE007")) %>>%
parsel::get_element(using = "id",
value = "'firstHeading'",
name = "header") %>>%
#navigate to wikipedia, type "Hello" into the search box, press enter,
#get page header, save in external data.frame x.
parsel::go("https://www.wikipedia.org/") %>>%
parsel::type(using = "id",
value = "'searchInput'",
name = "searchbox",
text = c("Hello","\uE007")) %>>%
parsel::get_element(using = "id",
value = "'firstHeading'",
name = "x[,1]") %>>%