parallelize execution of RSelenium
- scrape_fun
a function with input x sending instructions to remDr (remote driver)/ scraping function to be parallelized
- scrape_input
a data frame, list, or vector where each element is an input to be passed to scrape_fun
- cores
number of cores to run RSelenium instances on. Defaults to available cores - 1.
- packages
a character vector with package names of packages used in scrape_fun
- browser
a character vector specifying the browser to be used
- ports
vector of ports for RSelenium instances. If left at default NULL parscrape will randomly generate ports.
- chunk_size
number of scrape_input elements to be processed per round of scrape_fun. parscrape splits scrape_input into chunks and runs scrape_fun in multiple rounds to avoid loosing data due to errors. Defaults to number of cores.
- scrape_tries
number of times parscrape will re-try to scrape a chunk when encountering an error
- proxy
a proxy setting function that runs before scraping each chunk
- extraCapabilities
a list of extraCapabilities options to be passed to rsDriver
a list containing the elements: scraped_results and not_scraped. scraped_results is a list containing the output of scrape_fun. If there are no unscraped input elements then not_scraped is NULL. If there are unscraped elements not_scraped is a data.frame containing the scrape_input id, chunk id and associated error of all unscraped input elements.
if (FALSE) {
input <- c(".central-textlogo__image",".central-textlogo__image")
scrape_fun <- function(x){
input_i <- x
element <- remDr$findElement(using = "css", input_i)
element <- element$getElementText()
parsel_out <- parscrape(scrape_fun = scrape_fun,
scrape_input = input,
cores = 2,
packages = c("RSelenium"),
browser = "firefox",
scrape_tries = 1,
chunk_size = 2,
extraCapabilities = list(
"moz:firefoxOptions" = list(args = list('--headless'))